io-Ball: The elliptical Fitness-Sensation
The most modern training methods ask for conditions, which are specially adjusted for a certain action. For the most effective use in fitness, sport or rehabilitation the usual form of a ball had to be replaced by something new. The result is the io-Ball® with his unique elliptic form.
The award winning io-Ball is the new fitness equipment for your body and soul. Even at reasonable price and its being compact, it offers a highly effective training which is unique in its effect and can be used by everybody. It is a completely new concept which can be realized optimally with the io-Ball. Why it is like that we will explain on those next pages. Please have a look at our io-Ball videos, to fully understand the practical use.
With our muscles and our own body weight power is forced onto the io-Ball and passed back to your body again. The reactive surface of our io-Ball forces the muscles to a permanent counter-reaction, to keep either a certain position or to be able to make movements save and efficient. The counter-reaction is done by our muscle system automatically. In an instinctive and natural way an optimal ensemble acting of the muscles takes place.
The io-Ball increases your stamina, coordination, strength, rapidity and flexibility. Known trainings – for example Pilates or isometric training – reach a new quality and intensity by using the io-Ball. In addition to it the explosive and rapidity can be increased. This happens through stretching, bending, stopping and rotating movements. This variety helps that the io-Ball is a special part of the new cardio-core training-concept.
io-Ball DVDs: Your personal Fitness-Training
Fitness and Sport: This DVD offers an incomparable and effective workout for every sophisticated fitness- and sport enthusiast which does not leave any wishes open. Model your muscles, burn your last unnecessary fat, improve your mobility and coordination – be only in top form. Experience a training which will surprise you by its possibilities and extreme effectiveness. You will soon understand why the Ballooning fitness wave is more then a trend.
Golden Age Fitness: Our specially developed and tuned trainings programme for seniors offer finally an extensive basis for you to enjoy the best time of your life in best health and fitness. Experience a training which is gentle and audible. Improve your possibilities: mobility, coordination, muscle power and your cardiovascular system is supported. It is never too late to start with training and it was never so simple!
Fitness Programme for in between: The trainings programme for in between is tailored for people with not much time, but who want to do the best for their personal fitness, without changing the daily routine or any other moves. Learn how to do something good for your fitness in short working breaks at the office, at home or under way – in a very uncomplicated way. The training is specially for easing back problems, cramps or blood circulation problems and the maximum power capacity in daily life can be maintained. All DVDs are available in our shop as of now!
Andrea Burkhardt: Inventor of the io-Ball
Our upright walk is a masterpiece of evolution. It is not for granted to maintain this achievement and asks for an optimal solution. I see it as my task to develop it.
Modern life has a negative influence on our body. Sitting activity mould our daily life and a lot of us suffer of lack of motion. Today we have to compensate mal-postures as well as lost motion intelligence by specific training. My io-Ball was developed specially to remove those problems. The training has to be learned easily, effective, simple, applicable everywhere and for every grade of fitness and age.
When developing the io-Ball all was perfectly coordinated. The elliptic form has proved as optimal in our tests because due to the resonance results of this form it is specially challenging. Due to different alignments one can reach maximum variation-possibilities from sport to medical rehabilitation. The training intensity can vary from soft to sweaty. The possibilities are boundless and offer a big freedom for your own creativity.
Our website should answer you many basic questions and give you a good overview of the application possibilities. If you have additional questions or suggestions please don’t hesitate to contact me. We really like to help you and am sure we can turn your ideas into reality. I am looking forward to your feedback and I wish you lots of fun with the io-Ball - your Andrea Burkhardt.
Flexistab & Schwingstab
Schwingstäbe, Schwungstäbe, Flexi fun der Flexistab : gesundheitsbewusstes Kraft und Ausdauer-Training
Schwungstab-Training hat einen festen Platz im Kursprogramm von Fitness-Studios und Sportvereinen. Aber auch zuhause oder auf der Wiese können Sie mit Schwingstäben effektiv trainieren. Lesen Sie mehr ...
Verbraucherinformation zu Schwingstangen
Die Idee des aktiven Schwing Stab hatte die Erfinderin Andrea Burkhardt im Jahr 2001.
Dahinter steckt das Prinzip, einen besonders hergestellten Schwung Stab von der ungefähren Länge bis 150 Zentimetern und einem Durchmesser von circa bis zu neun Zentimetern durch eigene Körperkraft zum Schwingen zu bringen. Die Vibration des Stabes spricht Muskelgruppen an, die reflektorisch Anspannung zeigen. Die Erfinderin entwickelte als Grundlage Ihrer Erfindung optimale ... Lesen Sie mehr ...
Was ist eine Low Carb Diät?
Low-Carb-Diät-life sind Diäten, deren Prinzip eine Reduktion des Kohlenhydratanteils der Nahrung ist. Die meisten dieser Diaeten zielen auf eine dauerhafte Umstellung der Ernährung. Bekannteste Low-Carb-Diät ist die Atkins-Diät.
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Das erste Ziel für ein neues Ich
Das erste Ziel für ein neues Ich ist es, sich selbst ein wenig zu fordern und die Gewichts Ziele erreichbar zu stecken. Abnehmen kann so leicht sein. Das schafft jeder!
Hier ist die neue Atkins Schlankfood mit der in wenigen Worten Ihr Körper eingestellt wird, um mehr Fett zu verbrennen und um Ihre Gesundheit zu verbessern.
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Diätlife Ernährung
Zu jedem effektiven Training gehört auch eine effektive Ernährung. Wir empfehlen Ihnen die sensationelle Diätlife Ernährung. Sie ist für jeden geeignet: Männer, Frauen, Alte, Junge. Das Prinzip der Diät beruht auf einer reduzierten Kohlenhydrat-Zufuhr in Verbindung mit einem ausgeklügeltem Konzept, um den Stoffwechsel umzustellen. Die Diätlife Diaet gliedert sich in vier Phasen, die insgesamt nur wenige Wochen dauern. Ziel ist es, die Ernährung in Zukunft nach dem Prinzip der vierten Phase auszurichten, um dauerhaft schlank und gesund zu sein und Seine persönliche Kohlenhydratbalance zu finden. Die Kohlenhydrat-Experten helfen Ihnen dabei.
Insgesamt ist das Diät-Programm mit den Diätlife Produkten eine Kombination aus einem Fitnesstraining und dem Befolgen des zugehörigen Ernährungskonzepts. Tipps und Tricks für den Alltag mit der finden sich unter